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Humanitarian Islam and the Ethics of Religious Freedom

In this podcast Thomas K. Johnson discusses his new books Humanitarian Islam, Evangelical Christianity, and the Clash of Civilizations, as well as The Protester, the Dissident and the Christian: Essays on Human Rights and Religion. (Free PDF copies have been made available on the Multifaith Matters recommended books page.) Johnson is Senior Theological Advisor to the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), which represents and connects over 600 million Christians in 140 countries. Additionally, he currently serves as WEA Special Envoy to the Vatican and as Special Envoy to Engage Humanitarian Islam. He has long been a foremost international Protestant voice on human rights and religious freedom, including consulting with diplomats and religious leaders from around the globe.

Johnson has authored nine books and more than 250 articles, essays, and book chapters in several languages. He has edited 25 books on religion in society, along with editing and translating numerous reports on human rights, religious freedom, and intrafaith and interfaith relations.

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